Monday, April 15, 2019

I'm Headed Back

Kaden Broadhead

Apr 15, 2019, 4:56 PM (6 days ago)
to PaulmeBradElizaKelseeLand,  Stephen
YUPPPP you read it. I got changed. IM BACK IN CUAUTEPEC BOYS. we got a call Saturday night saying that I'm going to be training soooooo I packed up my stuff and here I am in Cuautepec. Whatta life. His names Elder QuiƱonez and he's an absolute beast!  We contacted for a little bit right away and this boy is gonna be an AP in no time I'll bet ya'll 10 pesos. Sooooo life is all great.

 I had a stellar last week in Santa with Elder Aguero but the Lord needs me back in Cuautepec. This week we had stake conferences and me and 6 other elders were given the opportunity to contact people for a multi-stake, multi-mission autosuffiencience fair. it was super cool and so much fun! It started out a little frustrating because you pretty much had to contact every one and sometimes about 5 minutes deep into the contact they would say "oh  I'm a member, yes if you'd like to come to the house and teach us that'd be great" which we would love to do if we had time but eventually we created a system. The people with blue stickers were members and all other color stickers were non-members. and we literally did whatever we could to bring people into the fair and it was very successful. I met one person who was from St George at the fair so that was pretty cool, he lives in Dixie but we both had one thing in common. Nelsons Frozen Custard. It was another testimony building experience because it helped the members realize how simple the first step in member missionary work is. INVITE. At the end of the activity, we had over 100 references! it was super cool!
anyway, I don't have much time but I love you all lots!
Happy Easter!!!
Love, Elder Broadhead

Monday, May 28, 2018

5.28.18 Ester


Yooooooo whats good fam,
This week was super sick! This week President was supposed to interview one of our investigators (Anabelle) for her baptism and what do ya know she forgot and "left" sooooo we got to spend a couple hours with president doing visits. Hes a super good guy. Fun fact: he holds his school record for hurdles that no one will ever beat? yeah he ran the 180 hurdles and they stopped doing the event when he held the record haha.  But if there was one thing I learned from divisions is that I have to be direct as possible with the people. We visited a less active/non member family and their son isnt a member so pres asked why he wasnt a member and he told Pres he had a dream from God that he was sitting with priests and the priests told him that "papas coming soon" so he should stick to Catholicism. Then he straight up told him that his dream was not revelation from God and he very respectfully explained why. So I learned you cant butter it up out here. Eternal Salvation is not something we should take lightly so we need to truly DECLARE repentance rather than only preach repentance.  Then at night he came to our house and said that it was too dangerous to live there YESSSSSSSS !!! and we needed to change houses asap so thats #lit.
       The other super sick thing that happened was when we were teaching an investigator named Ester. SHES SO SICK. Every single pamphlet weve left her . . . shes read it, and pretty much teaches us the lesson. then after our lesson with her literally all her family started talking to us. Her dad, mom, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and they ALL loved us. When we left shes said,  I want to go to chuch but i dont want to go alone, can we go together? So we passed by Sunday and she was ready and we walked together to church. We brought her to church and EVERYONE LOVED HER. A member invited her to a stake dance and she said Yes. Shes super awesome. after sacrament meeting she pretty much ditched us and went with other young women in the ward hahaha . We didnt see her until after the 3 hours of church. Shes so sick and its great to see themembers getting more involved.  She also really  likes memes so we have something else in common. 
      I dont have a ton of timeeee because IM MOVING!!! so that was the big highlight of the week. Ester's got a TON of potential and now that shes involved with the ward its only gonna get better!  love you all hope you had a good week!
-elder bhead 
mosiah 27:36

Monday, May 21, 2018

5.21.18 A Rocky Right

Aye fam,
This week was super super cool. I dont have much time to write since we gotta go help a family move BUT. this week was super awesome! We got a call to do an exorcism, but when we got there to the house this daughter just was throwing a fit and she threw a Rocky right uppercut to her moms nose and broke it. Sooo the mom thought her daughter was possessed so called for an exorcism lol. Anyway the daughter wasnt possessed but has serious problems with depression. so we gave her a blessing, and she said  the blessing has helped her feel peace. We then met with them another day taught lesson with them, and they said that they'd like to be baptized as soon as possible. BUT they didnt make it  church. It's so hard sometimes,  that was a bummer. This week was pretty dry We found some good people but there is a super fine line between good people and prepared people but we just keep planting seeds.  anyway thats about it. love yall lots!!​
-elder bhead

Monday, April 23, 2018

4.23.18 Divisions

Hey Family,

This week was rather uneventful. First I went on divisions in La Presa. This place is so sweet. Its pretty much a completely different land. The government put the army in the area because its apparently dangerous but it was so sick to be there. Its FULL of houses and everyone was super receptive. Literally we knocked a few doors and they lets us in and gave us coke while we taught a lesson. My area is literally students and grandmas.The students dont have time and the grandma are skeptical so they give us dirty looks. anyway, divisions with Elder Austill was sweet. He has like 19 months in the mish so he taught me some tips and tricks on how to keep the door open on contacts.
Next we had divisions with Elder Howell. hes a solid guy. definitely id crack a cold coke with him any day. He has 18 months in the mission and hes from Star Valley/Logan. His grandpa and grandpa Willden live close together in good ole Nibley. We had 2 lessons planned for the day so we literally contacted from 1 pm until 9 pm.  only 4 people opened their doors. And 3 were Grandmas. and all they wanted to talk about was Trump. 
ON the brighter side we set up 2 baptismal dates!!! One with Anebelle we put a date for the 12th of May!!!! and then we found this sweet dude named Alejandro and when he said the opening prayer, He prayed that he would be able to get baptized so he can enter Gods kingdom. My comp and I looked at each other and were like whattttttttttt. so we taught lesson 3 the Gospel of Jesus Christ and asked about baptism. This ones for the 27th of may because hes got some conflicts with school. 
It was a super solid week. I still have so much to learn but it all good.
love yall have a good week
-elder broadhead

Monday, April 9, 2018

4.9.18 This areas got it all. . . Walmart and KFC!


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Hey Fam,
Alll I gotta say is this area is super chill. We've gotta sams club, walmart, and a kfc in the area so you already know we livin lavish here, so many choices. Its honesty super sick. We had interviews this week and in the interview President told me that this areas numbers have taken a steep drop.  im talking 0 baptismal dates, 2 investigators progressing, and a thick area book filled  with old investigators. 2 days this week we used the area book to find people and what do ya know, almost every direction doesn't exists, so the missionary work here has practically died in the past 3 changes. The last baptism here was in november. so we've got our work cut out for us but I love a good challenge!.
The members are super awesome and want to be involved with the missionary work. One sister offered to have a family home evening at her house every friday with less actives or non members! sooo sick, this is such a blessing for missionaries.
This sunday was a sunday ill never forget!! It was fast and testimony meeting and a downs syndrome sister named Flower got up to share her testimony.the first thing she did was thank Elder Herrera and I for serving missions, Then she told us she was really sad she couldn't be a missionary, but she said just because she can't serve a mission doesn't mean she cant be a missionary. That hit me deep and I felt bad all the times i didn't share the gospel  with non members, or my testimony with less actives because I was scared. We should be grateful  Mormons and share the gospel not fearing what man can do (doctrine and covenants 30:11). Just because you don't have a name tag doesn't mean you're not a missionary. Missionary work has no expiration date. I know my Savior lives. The tomb was empty, he is risen. I'm grateful to share that message with all who will listen.
love you all
-elder broadhead

Monday, April 2, 2018

4.2.18 So long Cauatepec, hello Ticoman Lindavista


Well, I put in a good 6 months in Madero and now im taking my talents tooooooooo.  
TICOMAN LINDAVISTA. This area is super super cool and theres a lot of work to get done. the ward meets in a church thats the size of a small pre school with like 4 rooms with few members. so my goal before i leave is to fill the 4 rooms!! Also my new companion  is Elder Herrera and hes like 5 foot 4. No joke. I'll try to send pics but right now im having technical difficulties with my camera. Hes from el salvador and hes a really cool guy. He finishes his mission in 2 changes so I guess the lords put us together so we could build this area and get him to the finish line! I've heard  he likes to work!!  Sooooo lets go boys!

I spent the last week in Madero straight grinding. Contacting contacting and contacting.but Conference was soooooo clutch, just what I needed. We learned a lot about forgiveness, revelation, and our duties as members and priesthood holders in this church! Shout out to President Nelson. He honestly is called of God. His words not only apply to the saints of the united states, but apply to the struggling saints here in Mexico. I love him and I fully sustain him. 

 One of the hardest things I've had to in the last 7 months  is to leave Madero, and leave a family that we've been teaching. (the family of Miguel Angel) . after sharing my last message with them about the blessings of living the gospel, we said goodbye. This was probably the second hardest goodbye next to my parents (and Mckay) at the airport.  As I left, they told my that they could see something special in us. Miguel angels wife turned to him and said "that's because what they're  teaching is true."  I love this work and i love these people.  Just like Hermana Lewis' email,  we as missionaries are planting the seeds, wonderful people who just aren't ready and I testify that is true. One of the saddest things I do as a missionary is to drop investigators. Its the hardest for me. I always give them the benefit of the doubt but every person has their time. Its like a flower, some bloom early and some are late bloomers who need a little more time, but we must never lose faith in their ability to bloom.
hope you all had a good week!!! Love you all!
-elder broadhead

Monday, March 26, 2018

3.26.18 The Good and the Bad


Aye fam!
 So this week was awesome and terrible at the same time. Wellllll our investigators  mom got in a fight w her parents and moved out and they don’t have contact with her sooooo our baptismal date for the next next Saturday probably will be put on hold haha.  other than that this week FLEW BY. I had two really cool experiences that really help change my  attitude about my mission.
First, we had a lesson with some less actives that we found. We brought a youth in the ward with us to help prepare him for his mission. When we arrived everything was chill. We talked and they were a really nice family, but as soon as we talked about the church, the light switch turned off. He turned cold and said really hurtful things about the church. He kept talking about how other churches rob your money and the Book of Mormon is fake and all kinds of other things. My comp kept bashing  and bashing with him and I just sat silent, seeing it was going nowhere. When it comes to bashing I hate it! Its contentious arguing that prevents any opportunity to have the spirit there. The youth in the ward that we invited put on his backpack and said "come on Elder Broadhead lets go" and I told him to wait. I had a strong feeling to testify, calmly because it would be the spirit that would change his thinking, not us because whatever we said he would  interrupt us by saying all kinds of silly stuff. So when he finally closed his mouth for .035 seconds I testified of a few things he had made some negative comments about  At the end of my testimony I asked him if he would read the Book of Mormon again. This time with his wife, and before every time they read it together, pray to Heavenly Father and ask if this book is true. He then accepted our Book of Mormon and the invitation. LESSON TO LEARN:  You will never go wrong testifying. Never. Now we need to pray he will really do it!
The second experience was with this dude that we found in the Tianguis. The week before we invited him to play basketball with us, but he didn’t show up, so we found him again in Tianguis (such a blessing because you’re packed shoulder to shoulder with people) and we talked with him again. This time he was like I talked with missionaries before and I really felt something special. We started talking to him some more and I invited him to be baptized. and he accepted! he doesn’t live in the area but he lives in the stake and he said hed like to go watch general conference!! that was a pretty sweet experience. LESSON TO LEARN : Don’t fear the people. I know this sound like day one stuff but when you hit the field inviting someone to be baptized sometimes is a touchy, scary subject. Especially here where everyone is a proud Catholic. It was a pretty solid week! 

I’m going into the last week of this change and I’m pretty sure I’m gonna leave, but I’m torn because this place is like home.
Hope you all have a good Easter  week!

Elder Broadhead

Mosiah 7:33